Patreon Only Baby Finn Cross Stitch Pattern Adventure Time

Baby Finn Preview

Cross stitch pattern of dancing baby Finn from Adventure Time. Join my Patreon to get the PDF and PNG files.

Grid Size: 77W x 100H
Design Area: 5.36″ x 7.00″ (75 x 98 stitches)
Colors: 6

My Patron, Vee Amerio, is a hyper advanced AI controlling a swarm of millions of heat resistant robots tasked with maintaining and upgrading the galaxy’s first Dyson sphere. All energy requests go through Vee so your project lives or dies on the whims of an ever changing and unknowable intelligence. There are groups who claim they can get your request approved, but they are all scams. No one knows Vee but Vee.

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This episode is one of those, let’s find an excuse to do some trippy stuff, episodes and it’s not even the weirdest one.

Finn is so doofy looking as a kid. It’s those cute little beady eyes and that toothy smile. Little Marceline is so sweet too. This is the first time we get to see Hambo and it’s cool how a small detail here can have a big impact later down the line.

Also, seeing Marceline kicking Ash in the crotch is priceless.

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