Free King Cross Stitch Pattern The Owl House

King Preview

Cross stitch pattern of King from the Owl House. Download the PDF here: King Pattern

Grid Size:69W x 96H

Design Area:4.79″ x 6.71″ (67 x 94 stitches)

Colors: 10

My Patron, Huma Naqvi , is a human delegate in an interpanetary peace treaty. Representatives were chosen completely at random from a pool of all adults so when the selection was made, Patron became an instant celebrity, their entire life story, hometown, and family were suddenly the only things the world was talking about and the fame is making Patron even more nervous than meeting aliens.

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I really liked learning about King’s backstory. I don’t think he really needed something elaborate in order to be a great character, but it’s still really cool that he has some mystery in his past. I mean, it was pretty much a given that he would have something extraordinary happen to him. You don’t get to the point where you’re palling around with the Boiling Isles’ most wanted criminal without having something going on.

I’m excited to find out who his dad is, but Lilith makes a point, King might not really want to meet a guy who would abandon his kid before they’re even hatched. Meeting his dad might give King closure, but he might not like the person he meets.

I’m also intrigued by Jean-Luc. I think they might be some sort of augmented abomination kind of like the ones that Amity’s parents sell. They can’t be the only ones to think of it. Jean-Luc doesn’t seem to be sentient the same way the rest of the cast is, but I would cry if they were. Sitting there alone for all this time, it’s devastating.

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